Roberto Moro
Place and date of birth: Milano – March 4, 1955 Nationality: Italian
Scientific maturity achieved in 1975. Graduated in Economics and Commerce at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan in 1980. Chartered Accountant since 1982, member of the “Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili” of Milan (the Italian Association of Chartered Accountants). Accounting Auditor as per Ministerial Decree of April 12, 1995, published in the Italian Official Journal n° 31bis of April 21, 1995. English spoken.
Chairman of the Statutory Auditors of IRE Holding s.r.l.
Acting Auditor of
- Robert Bosch S.p.A.
- Fidiger S.p.A.
- Sevecom S.p.A.
- Antas s.r.l.
- Energy Wave s.r.l.
- Società per Amministrazioni Fiduciarie SPAFID S.p.A.
Sole Auditor of:
- Quarzo s.r.l.
- Compass Rent s.r.l.
- MBContact Solutions s.r.l.