Solidarity with our community
An inclusive, solid community based on mutual respect: this is the society we want to build through support for projects with a significant impact on the local area
Growth in the local area is linked to communities’ ability to generate sustainable value in the long-term. At Mediobanca we are an integral part of the local area in which we operate, and we know we play an important role in generating positive social and environmental impacts.
And for this reason we actively collaborate with institutions, non-profit authorities, associations and other local players in the development of projects and initiatives which aim to build a solid and inclusive social and economic fabric, in which the principles of trust, solidarity, equal opportunities and a dignified life are accessible to all citizens.

We are committed to promoting the responsible management of resources to reduce our environmental footprint and the impacts generated by our activities
We support scientific and economic research and undertake to enhance our architectural and archive assets
We promote the construction of an inclusive and strong society through initiatives targeted at social gathering and the dissemination of values