Date of birth 05/ l O/ 1963. Italian national. Bachelor's degree in law at Luiss University of Rome.

As a Lawyer with over 25 years of experience, Elena Pagnoni specialises in Capital Markets Law, FinTech, RegTech, Banking and Corporate Law. Her clients are banks, SIM, SGR, insurance companies, pension funds, real estate funds, both Italian and foreign (LeonTeq, ClauseMatch, Generali, Poste Italiane, Borsa Italiana, Mediobanca, BNPParibas) and State companies (Finmeccanica, Alitalia, Poste Italiane - Bancoposta) offering legal and regulatory assistance. In her work experience she has essentially assisted for the:

  • provision of investment services (MiFID e MiFID2), FinTech and placement of financial;
  • products, including derivatives and structured financial and instruments; issue and listing of debt securities and debt securities in generali;
  • issue of payment instruments (limited to banks) in compliance with the Payment Service Directive (PSD e PSD2) and offer of payment services in Italy;
  • issue of insurance policies linked to bank loans (PPI) for banks and insurance companies, also regarding related litigation and issues related to the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD);
  • corporate governance issues of listed companies, assisting for the set-up of the corporate governance committees and the appointment activities of the board directors also taking part to shareholders meetings representing the majority shareholder.

She followed also some Italian OPA (Take-over bid) and many M&A transactions concerning banks or bank units as credit cards business, SGR, insurance funds and companies, offering legal advice both on regulatory issues and due diligence activities. In that field she has also supported the German Government in relation to a bad bank far the transfer of the financing portfolio and derivative contracts of ltalian branches of banks in restructuring.


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