Credit Research
The report or the recommendations/views to which this communication refers (“Report”) is prepared by an independent analyst within Research Department at Mediobanca - Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. (“Mediobanca S.p.A.”), authorized and supervised by Bank of Italy and Consob to provide financial services, and is compliant with the relevant European Directive provisions on investment and ancillary services (MiFID Directive) and with the implementing law.
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The Report is prepared by Mediobanca S.p.A. and distributed in the United States by Mediobanca Securities USA LLC, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mediobanca S.p.A., is a member of Finra and is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. 565 Fifth Avenue - New York NY 10017. Mediobanca Securities USA LLC accepts responsibility for the content of the Report. Any US person receiving the Report and wishing to effect any transaction in any security discussed in the Report should contact Mediobanca Securities USA LLC at 001(212) 991-4745. Please refer to the contact page for additional contact information. All transactions by a US person in the securities mentioned in the Report must be effected through Mediobanca Securities USA LLC and not through a non-US affiliate. The analyst(s) named on the Report are not registered / qualified as research analysts with Finra. The research analyst(s) are not associated persons of Mediobanca Securities USA LLC and therefore are not subject to NASD rule 2711 and incorporated NYSE rule 472 restrictions on communications with a subject company, public appearances and trading securities held by a research analyst.
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Unless otherwise stated in the text of the Report, the fundamental credit view of an issuer may be based on criteria such as the company's underlying credit trends, overall creditworthiness and our opinion on whether the issuer will be able to service its debt obligations when they become due and payable, as well as potential future catalysts which may or may not verify. We may review, among other things, the company's cash flow capacity and trends and standard credit ratios, such as gross and net leverage, interest coverage and liquidity ratios. We may also review profitability, capitalization and asset quality, among other variables, when assessing financials. We can also consider management strategy, financial policy and the overall competitive landscape in relevant industries insofar as they impact credit quality, as well as market expectations, both in terms of potential profit generation, company dividends policy and other kind of indicators which may be exceeded or missed. We may also assess market technical aspects such as the likely future supply of bonds or fund flows into the broader asset class as well as charts/trends share price.
To access specific information on target prices and recommendation related to the issuers mentioned in the Report, if not included in the report or the recommendations/views to which this communication refers, please see the last research report issued for the specific issuer on the restricted access part of the «Mediobanca Research» section of the Mediobanca S.p.A. website ( If you are not able to see the restricted access part of the «Mediobanca Research» section of the Mediobanca S.p.A. website, please submit a request to the following mail address (
Analysts of Mediobanca S.p.A. may have had many, varied views over the past 12 months including contrary views, and that there are large number of views being generated at all times, the previous 12 months views on financial instruments are provided upon written request submitted to the following mail address (
A complete and up to date disclosure on Mediobanca’s interests and conflict of interests on issuers covered by Mediobanca Research is provided to the following page. Any other Mediobanca’s interests and conflict of interests on issuers not covered by Mediobanca Research are provided upon written request submitted to the following mail address (