Voluntary tender offer launched by International Media Holding S.p.A. on maximum No. 403,937,789 ordinary shares of RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.
Notice of suspension of the terms pursuant to article 38, paragraph 1, of Consob resolution No. 11971 of 14 May 1999 of 14 May 1999, as subsequently amended and integrated
Milan, 27 May 2016 – With reference to the voluntary tender offer on maximum No. 403,937,789 ordinary shares of RCS MediaGroup S.p.A. launched by International Media Holding S.p.A. on 20 May 2016, pursuant to article 102, paragraph 3, of Italian Legislative Decree No. 58/1998, as subsequently amended (the "TUF"), with the filing in Consob of the offer document pursuant to article 37-ter of Consob resolution No. 11971 of 14 May 1999 of 14 May 1999, as subsequently amended and integrated (the "Issuers Regulation"), on the date hereof, Consob has requested to International Media Holding S.p.A., pursuant to article 102, paragraph 4, of the TUF, the transmission of additional information, ordering the suspension of the terms until the completion of the information framework. Timely notice to the market will be given upon restart of the terms pursuant to article 38, paragraph 1, of the Issuers Regulation.
International Media Holding S.p.A. is a joint stock company ("società per azioni") incorporated for the purposes of the voluntary tender offer launched by DI. VI. Finanziaria di Diego Della Valle & C. S.r.l., Diego Della Valle & C. S.r.l., Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A., UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A., UnipolSai Finance S.p.A., Pirelli & C. S.p.A. e International Acquisitions Holding S.à r.l. on maximum No. 403,937,789 ordinary shares of RCS MediaGroup S.p.A..