Sintonia S.p.A., GS Infrastructure Partners and Mediobanca announce the closing of a partnership for infrastructure investments
Luxembourg – Today GS Infrastructure Partners I (“GSIP”) and Mediobanca S.p.A. (“Mediobanca) have acquired respectively a 3% and 1% stake in Sintonia S.A. (“Sintonia”) from Sintonia S.p.A. pursuant to the terms of the agreement signed on 28 September 2007. Under the terms of the transaction, GSIP and Mediobanca have also undertaken to subscribe to capital increases of approximately €1.1 billion in Sintonia to reach fully diluted stakes of 16.3% and 5.5% respectively. As a result, Sintonia S.p.A.’s fully diluted stake is 78.2%. Based on the shareholders agreement that has also been signed today, the shareholders meeting has appointed the following Directors of the Board: Mr. Jean Hoss (Chairman), Mr. Gilberto Benetton, Mr. Alessandro Bertani, Mr. Carlo Bertazzo, Mr. Philippe Camu, Mr. Gianni Mion, Mr. Karl Pardaens, Mr. Gustave Stoffel, Mr. Alex Sulkowski and Mr. Paolo Zannoni. Simultaneously, Sintonia has acquired from Sintonia S.p.A. a 31.50% stake in Investimenti Infrastrutture S.p.A. and a 24.38% stake in Sagat S.p.A. (Turin airport). Following these transactions, Sintonia’s asset portfolio includes direct and/or indirect stakes in Atlantia S.p.A., Aeroporti di Roma S.p.A. (via an 85.45% stake in Investimenti Infrastrutture S.p.A. and a 4.96% stake in Gemina), Telecom Italia S.p.A. (via an 8.39% stake in Telco S.p.A.) and Sagat S.p.A.. The aim of Sintonia is to raise capital in the order of €4 billion (including the capital contributions already committed to date) to pursue its investment strategy in Italy and abroad and expand its platform of infrastructure investments.