Rights issue
Price sensitive
Rights issue
Notice is hereby given that the scrip shares (1 share for every 20 shares held) and warrants (1 warrant for each share held prior to the scrip issue) deriving from the capital increase approved by the Board of Directors on 18 September 2009 will be made available to those entitled to them via intermediaries who are parties to the system operated by Monte Titoli as from 1 October 2009, after coupon no. 26 (representing the right to be assigned the new shares free of charge, which new shares shall include coupon no. 28) and no. 27 (representing the right to be assigned the warrants) have been stripped on 28 September 2009 from the shares in issue. The newly-issued shares shall rank for dividends pan passu. The warrants shall entitle their holders to subscribe for newly-issued shares on the basis of 1 new share for every 7 warrants held at a price of €9.00 per share starting from 1 Januar 2010, and by and no later than 18 March 2011. Subsequent to their issue, an application will be made for the warrants to be listed on the stock market and the relevant prospectus published.
The resolution adopted in respect of the rights issue has been deposited with the Milan Companies’ Register today.