Quarterly financial statements for three months ended 30/9/17 approved

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Quarterly financial statements for three months ended 30/9/17 approved

Good start to FY 2017/18
Outstanding quarterly results by revenues, GOP and net profit

Revenues up 13%, to €598m,
NII up 6%, fee income up 30%
GOP up 27%, to €288m
Net profit up 11%, to €301m

All divisions show more intense levels of activity
with growing revenues and profits
WM reorganization results already visible

Wealth Management: strong acceleration in reshaping process
Key managerial staff hired, Barclays’ integration into CheBanca! complete,
MB Private Banking operative as from December

Consumer credit: record quarter, with net profit up 35% to €80m

CIB: sound and growing contribution (net profit up 12%, to €75m)

Principal Investing: NAV growing (up 26%, to €3.6bn), equity stake disposals ongoing (sales of approx. €250m in 3M yielding €90m in gains)

Excellent asset quality confirmed

Cost of risk at historic low levels (57 bps), Texas ratio 13%
NPLs/bad loans declining, both as stock and as percentage of total loan book
Coverage ratios improving (for NPLs 55%, bad loans 71%, and performing loans 1.1%)

Capital solidity confirmed

CET1 ratio 13.3%, still fully calculated with standard method
120 bps higher than at end-September 2016, stable vs end-June 2017
Total capital 16.7%
Leverage ratio 9.6%