Consultation Agreement between Mediobanca Shareholders

Price Sensitive

At a general meeting held today with Angelo Casò in the chair, the Parties to the Agreement unanimously approved the admission of shareholder Monge & C. S.p.A., syndicating a total of 9,667,350 Mediobanca shares (1.09%) to the Agreement.

The Parties also noted the following changes:


  •      Vittoria Assicurazioni: in June 2021 Vittoria Assicurazioni acquired 1 million shares in Mediobanca, syndicating them to the Agreement. Its investment in the Bank thus rose to 2.2 million shares (0.25% of the company’s share capital), as already disclosed in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree 58/98 and the Consob Regulations for Issuers.
  •      Gavio group: in the period from 8 to 19 July 2021, Aurelia S.r.l. acquired 1 million shares in Mediobanca, syndicating them to the Agreement. Its investment in the Bank thus increased to 4.3 million shares (0.48% of the company’s share capital), while that of the Gavio Group rose to 6.9 million shares (0.77%).
  •      Lucchini group: on 27 September 2021, Lucchini asked to syndicate a further 1.1 million shares held by Gilpar S.p.A. (100%-owned by the family) to the Agreement. Sinpar S.p.A. also acquired 173,000 shares, syndicating them too to the Agreement. The Lucchini Group’s investment in Mediobanca therefore now consists of 4.7 million shares, or 0.53% of the company’s share capital.
  •      Angelini Partecipazioni Finanziarie: in the course of September 2021 this company made market purchases involving a further 4 million shares (0.45%), not covered by the Agreement.

As a result of the above, the percentage syndicated to the Agreement rises from 10.73% to 12.08% of the company’s share capital.

The parties in general meeting also acknowledged receipt of notice from Schematrentatre S.p.A. (Edizione), holder of 18.6 million shares (2.1% of the share capital), of its intention to withdraw from the Agreement effective from 1 January 2022. As a result of such withdrawal, and subject to further variations, the percentage syndicated to the Agreement will be approx. 10% of the company’s share capital.

Milan, 30 September 2021