Support us

Although the Foundation is able to meet its commitments from the funds made available by its founders and other parties who have supported and promoted its development, the support of all those who are keen to provide continuity to the Foundation’s activities is greatly appreciated in financing new projects.

How to donate

One-off donations to support research    
You can donate money by making a payment to the following bank account: 
A/C number (IBAN): IT92Y0306909606100000124670
A/C name: Giancarla Vollaro – tax ID code 97491510158
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo Corso di Porta Nuova 7 – Milan

Since April 2009, the Foundation has qualified as an institution that performs and promotes scientific research activity; as such, any donations made to the Foundation are tax deductible.

5x1000 (tax return)
Donate your 5x1000 to the foundation when submitting your tax return.

Each of the main Italian tax return forms (CU, 730 and UNICO) contain a space allowing the tax payer to donate 5x1000 to a beneficiary of their choosing. If you would like to support the Foundation in this way, please add your signature in the section entitled “Finanziamento della ricerca scientifica e della università” (“Scientific Research and University Funding”), and enter the Foundation’s tax identification code (97491510158).