Issue of up to 1,000 Certificates Mediolanum MedPlus Certificate Express S201linked to EUROSTOXX 50 and FTSE MIB

ISIN: XS1916011064

Product Type: Memory Autocallable







14.5205 %





Listing market: TLX - EUROTLX MARKET
Underlying : INDICES

Product features

Issue Date: 11/12/2018
Status: Paid off
Issue Price: NaN
Capital Protection: Conditionally protected
Cap Level (%): 0
Barrier Level (%): 50
Callability: Yes
Expiry Date : 11/12/2024
Currency: EUR
Strike date:
Initial Reference Level €: 0
Protection level:
Barrier Level: 0
Barrier Type: Discrete
Trading Data
Bid / Ask: 0 / 0
Minimum number of certificates that can be acquired by each investor (usually 1)
Mininum Allotment: 1
Market on which the certificate is quoted
Listing market: TLX - EUROTLX MARKET
Highest price reached since day on which the product was first quoted
Maximum Price since Listing Date: 0
Lowest price reached since day on which the product was first quoted
Minimum Price since Listing Date: 0
Return on product, defined as current day’s closing price relative to closing price recorded at day t-1
Daily Performance %: 0
Return on product, defined as current day’s closing price relative to closing price recorded at issue date
Performance since Issue Date %: 14.5205
Notes, if any, explaining the product
Share, equity index, currency, commodity or any other financial asset on which the value of the certificate depends
Underlying : INDICES
Describes the type of underlying instrument, e.g. equal weight basket of shares/worst-off or best-off basket
Alphanumeric code which acts as unique identifier of a financial instrument
Certificate calendar for ISIN XS1916011064

How to subscribe for Certificates

The placement Agent offers its clients certificates issued by Mediobanca S.p.A. The certificates can be acquired both at the subscription phase and the secondary market.

The placement Agent will in any case review your choice of financial instrument in view of your knowledge and experience in investing in financial instruments, your financial situation and investment objectives.

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