Italian Mid - Cap Conference 2021: New drivers for growth - An opportunity for change

New drivers for growth – an opportunity for change. This is the theme of the Italian Mid Cap Conference, organized by Mediobanca and now in its third year, which started today.

In two days of online meetings, some 140 international investors will be meeting with 25 listed mid cap companies that will be illustrating their plans for growth.

During the conference, opened by Mediobanca CEO Alberto Nagel, the macro trends on financial markets and in the mid corporate world will be discussed through a series of panels and guests introduced by Francesca Anzeloni Brignotti, Head of the Mediobanca Mid Committee.

“The EU’s response to the Emergency: Stabiity Pact and Recovery Fund for the New Normal” is the title of the address by Irene Tinagli, Chair of the European Parliament EU Commission, followed by the Market Outlook for the European economic recovery in 2021, illustrated by the Co-Heads of Mediobanca Equity Research, Andrea Filtri and Javier Suarez.

Sustainable growth and ESG is the topic for discussion at a roundtable featuring Giulia Giuffrè, Marketing Director of Irritec, Massimo Mercati, CEO of Aboca, Francesco Mutti, CEO of Mutti, who will be sharing their experiences in transforming companies through sustainable investments. Participants will also hear from an institutional investor: Meaghan Muldoon, Global Head of ESG Integration at BlackRock.

Guglielmo Brayda di Soleto, CEO of Medipass, Andrea Marcellan, CEO of FAAC, and Massimo Scagliarini, CEO of GVS, will be discussing mergers, acquisitions and listings, based on their experiences of launching such deals for their companies in the course of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mediobanca Group General Manager Francesco Saverio Vinci will close the proceedings, summarizing the main issues of the two days’ discussions.



Milan, 19 January 2021